Sunday, October 2, 2011

One Knight in Time By @CharliDenae donated to @ChrisWishesT4T

One Knight in Time
Pairing: Alice/Jasper
Rating: M
Story Status: Donated to @ChrisWishesT4T
Story Summary:
A hit on the head sends Alice back in time where she meets the knight of her dreams. Adjusting to his time isn't hard since she can't remember a thing, staying with him may not be so easy though. AxJ Rated M. AH.

Important info
Submissions due date: 12/15/2011
Donations due date: 12/24/2011
Compilation ready by: 12/24/2011
Minimum donation: $5


  1. Thanks for changing it, Hon! Looks great! :o*

  2. Beautiful! Can't wait to read-- Yes, for Charli, I will read a J/A fic!

  3. Yeah, BusyMommy!!! Whoot!! Whoot!! :D

    Ali and Jas rock!!! ;o)
