Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hey guys, 

I hate to do this to you.  But with the recent issues I've had with my banners being cropped down and claimed as someone else's work, I find that I must do this.  I have disabled the right click save image ability on my blog.

I want you to understand that I am not saying my banners can't be posted elsewhere.  In fact, that is far from the truth.  I find it a huge compliment when you want to post them on your blogs.  

I just ask that you either find me on Twitter, FB or leave a comment here on the banner that you'd like to post and I'd be glad to email you a copy as long as when you post it on your blog/Facebook/tumblr you put "made by Christag_banner".

For my affiliates that post my fan banners on their blogs, if you want me to email them to you every time I make one that fits to your blog/FB I can do that.  Just @ or email me and let me know that is something your interested in and I'll make it work.

I really hate doing this.  And it may be something I take off as quick as I put it on.  But,with things as they stand right now, I feel that I must do this for the time being.  I hope you all understand.  And remember I am more than willing to share, so just ask.



  1. So sorry to hear that your banners are being stolen! They are great! I wish I could learn to make them so well, but I agree that it sucks for people to pass them off as theirs. Why can't they just notify you and ask? Ugh!!
    I'd disable the right-click copy, too, if I was you. You work hard on your banners and people should take the time to learn how to make them if they want them to be as good!

    Best wishes!!
    Charli ox

  2. Gotta do what you gotta do, hon. Your stuff is the best as far as Im concerned and you deserve the credit!!
