Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fandom for Preemies

I am sure you all have heard about the Fandom for Preemies.  If you haven't...go check it out.  They are compiling o/s from authors that are donating their words and time to support a great cause.  You can donate to the cause and receive all these wonderful one shots as well as know that your money is going to help children.

I just wanted to share my story.  As some of you may know, I have two children.  Both of which were preemies.  

My daughter Taylor was born a month early.  I was ever so lucky that was all she was born early.  I went into early labor two months before her due date and had complications with Pre-eclampsia.  I was put on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy, had non-stress tests done every other day at the hospital and had to take my blood pressure hourly.  Still with all the things we did to keep her situated longer, she was born on March 19th, 2001.  Exactly one month and one day early.

We were lucky...she was healthy as she could be.  In fact, we were able to take her home after a short stay in the hospital as long as we had the UV lights for her jaundice.

Today she is a very healthy, very active nine year old.

My son Zach wasn't as early as my daughter, thank God.  He was only 3 weeks early.  Healthy as a horse with the exception of jaundice as well.  

Now, with Zachary...we have had later issues.  Physical as well as learning.  Physical, he was prone to several ear infections as a baby.  Which resulted in two sets of tubes in his ears.  And was always prone to cough & colds.  Learning, he has a very short attention span (we are having him tested for ADD/ADHD next month), he had a difficult time dealing with being in social situations. We enrolled him in an early head-start program when he was only three years old and it worked wonders for him.  He is now seven years old, healthy and hopefully soon we will know about the ADD/ADHD.


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